Nothing beats soaking up rays on the beach, listening to crashing waves and even hearing those squawking seagulls overhead. The problem? The rejuvenation sensation doesn’t seem to follow you home. While a day at the beach will relax you in the moment, it leaves other parts of your body feeling quite “burnt out”…..literally.
Your skin, hair, face, lips & ears and all over body need lots of T.L.C. after serious sun exposure.
Here’s 5 easy peasy ways to re-boot after a stay-in-the-sun.
- You already know how important it is to have your skins back by applying - and reapplying sunscreen throughout the day. And no doubt swimming in the ocean has left you with a nice layer of salt on your skin as well.
So your first step in rejuvenating your skin will be to clean off all the buildup of the day with some kind of hydrating soap or shower gel. Then replace some of that moisture the sun, sand and salt stole from your skin. Naturally…we are going to encourage you to “Go Natural” here. Make sure you are choosing a moisturizer that isn’t filled with a bunch of synthetic ingredients. Shea butter is great for the skin! Also, be sure to apply it right after your shower to get the added benefit of locking in the moisture from the water.
Be sure to moisturize all the way down to your feet! Even though walking on the sand actually works to exfoliate – kind of a pedicure while you play – if you don’t hydrate after you exfoliate you are going to have some very dry, unhappy feet! - The sun, salty water and sea breezes will also wreck havoc on your hair. So while washing the buildup off your body, do the same favor for your hair. And be sure to use a deep conditioner to help you moisturize dry locks.
In case you were unaware, they actually make sunscreen for your hair! You could also spray in a leave-in conditioner before you hit the waves to add a layer of protection. - Your face has also been feeling the effects of a sun-kissed day. Thankfully, you have been protecting it with sunscreen to keep it safe from those harmful sun rays, but it still begs for more attention. Gently cleanse off those layers of sunscreen and then help it revive with a hydrating moisturizing cream!
Even though you diligently applied that sunscreen, if you still ended up with a bit of a burn, you can hit those areas with a little aloe to help repair the damage. - Don’t overlook your lips or those sensitive ears! Both are so easily forgotten when preventing sun damage. To keep those lips luscious, be sure to apply throughout the day a lip balm with SPF! And even when you do, it will still be important to hit them with a rich lip balm when you get home to help revitalize them. And ears. Don’t neglect them. They hurt when burnt!
- Lastly, don’t forget your body as a whole unit. A day at the beach will leave it THIRSTY! Time to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We told you in our “Infusions to Enthuse You” the importance of hydrating on a normal day and offered up some recipes for some delicious beverages. Whether you mix up one of our tasty infused waters – or grab a glass of water (filtered from all the harmful chemicals – of course) – we encourage you to moisturize your whole body – from the inside out!
Hopefully these simple reminders will help get the whole of you naturally refreshed & rejuvenated!
Enjoy the days of summer while it lasts!
P.S. For those of you who haven’t been at the beach all day, you can always indulge with our Lavender Air Scense. Close your eyes, give a spritz and envision yourself in Provence, France. Does the trick every time!